About Us
Over two decades the JRL Group has grown from a company specialising in sub and superstructure packages to a business that offers managed integrated construction solutions with an annual turnover in excess of over £280m.
Over two decades the JRL Group has grown from a company specialising in sub and superstructure packages to a business that offers managed integrated construction solutions with an annual turnover in excess of over £280m.
Over two decades the JRL Group has grown from a company specialising in sub and superstructure packages to a business that offers managed integrated construction solutions with an annual turnover in excess of over £280m.
Founded by John Reddington in 1996, the JRL Group has built its success to date on the basis of listening carefully to clients and through proven delivery developing open honest and lasting relationships. Above all, we value the trust our clients place in us and the business. We look to repay that trust by continuing to do what we say we will do.
The hands-on approach personified by directors and senior leadership flows through into a collaborative culture which permeates all our delivery teams. This unique approach has secured a valued and enviable reputation in a highly competitive sector.